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If we had to pick one dessert that could bring a smile to everyone’s face, most of us would agree it would be the chocolate chip cookies. That perfectly gooey and crunchy combination has been delighting our taste buds since my great-grandmother’s days. And I’m sure her recipe isn’t too far off!

With their main ingredient being love (plus some sugar and cocoa powder!), let me show you how to make your own batch of tasty chocolate chip cookies that will have both young and old drooling for more.

Why Do We Love These Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies?

There’s something special about the combination of melted chocolate chips and crunchy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside cookies. Plus, when paired with a glass of cold milk or a hot cup of coffee, these crowd-pleaser treats can take on an even firmer hold on our hearts.

The highlight of this classic chocolate chip cookie recipe is that it’s so simple and easy to make! Even without previous baking experience, you can whip up a batch of these best chocolate chip cookies in no time.

And, of course, no emergency grocery store runs! It’s all there in the pantry already. Yay!

One thing’s for sure; your occasions are all sorted! Whether you want to woo your partner with a romantic homemade treat or fill the cookie jar with something special for unexpected guests, this recipe is sure to please.

So, let’s get started! Here’s how to make the perfect cookie ever.

Ingredients – What You Need


It’s best to use butter at room temperature. It creams better with the other ingredients. You can use an electric whisk if you don’t have time to wait for the butter to soften. You’ll need 1 cup of butter. Unsalted is preferred.


All-purpose flour gives the best texture and flavor, but if you have dietary restrictions, go for gluten-free flour. Almond flour is a decent choice. You’ll need 3 cups of flour.


Use white or light brown sugar for a sweeter cookie, and granulated or dark brown for a less sweet version. You’ll need 1 cup of sugar.

Chocolate Chips:

Use any kind you like! But semi-sweet or dark chocolate gives the richest flavor. You’ll need 1 cup of chocolate chips.

Milk Chocolate Chips:

If you want to add some creamy texture, combine semi-sweet and milk chocolate chips. Use 1 cup of each.

Vanilla Extract:

Use pure vanilla extract for its richer flavor. You’ll need two teaspoons of vanilla extract.


Egg yolks bind the ingredients together while the whites add structure. You’ll need two large eggs for this recipe.

Baking Soda:

You need a leavening agent to help the cookies rise and spread. So, you find baking soda in all cookie recipes. But only one teaspoon is enough for this recipe.


Salt helps to bring out all the flavors and balances out the cookie’s sweetness. You’ll need one teaspoon of salt. Himalayan pink salt helps regulate blood sugar levels, improves sleep quality, and reduces signs of aging. What else can you ask for?

Baking Powder:

Please don’t confuse baking powder with baking soda. Baking powder gives cookies a fluffy texture. So, you need 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.

Tips for Baking the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • For a chewy center and crispy edges, follow these tips:
  • Bake in small batches so the cookies don’t spread too much
  • Take the cookie sheet out just when the edges start to turn golden brown. Don’t overbake, or the cookies will be too dry
  • If you want thicker cookies, use a heaping teaspoon of dough for each cookie
  • If you want thinner and crispier cookies, flatten each cookie ball with your palm
  • Don’t use too much flour. Doing so will result in dry and crumbly cookies
  • For an extra crunchy topping, sprinkle some coarse sea salt on the cookies before baking them

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Personalize the Toppings?

Oh yes! You can tweak the toppings and ingredients to suit your taste buds! Marshmallows, nuts, sprinkles—the possibilities are endless.

How Should I Store the Baked Cookies?

It’s best to store your freshly-baked cookies in an airtight container. It will help them stay crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Enjoy!

How to Store the Leftover Dough?

If you have any leftover cookie dough, the best way to keep it fresh is by freezing it. Use a ziplock bag to store the dough and when you’re ready to bake, just thaw it out before popping them in the oven.

How Many Cookies Does This Recipe Make?

This recipe makes about 24 medium-sized cookies. If you want more, just double the recipe!

What to Serve with Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Chocolate chip cookies go perfectly with a glass of cold milk, a hot cup of coffee, or even your favorite ice cream! Enjoy the yummy combination.

Happy baking, everyone! I hope you enjoy these delicious chocolate chip cookies as much as I do.

How to Make the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies?

When you’re done baking, you’ll realize that this is one of the easiest chocolate chip cookie recipes out there.

Pick all your dry ingredients and mix them in a large. If you have no dietary no-nos, then all-purpose flour is best for your cookie’s base. Alternatively, you can sub in some gluten-free flour.

Once your dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add the wet ones like melted butter, eggs, and vanilla in a small box and cream it all. It’ll be easier if you use butter and eggs at room temperature.

Now, mix the dry and wet ingredients until everything looks evenly combined.

Once your cookie dough is ready, fold in a generous amount of chocolate chips. Using semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips will give a richer flavor to your cookies. And if you’re feeling extra indulgent, add some chopped walnuts or pecans!

Once the chips are mixed in, use a spoon or cookie scoop to scoop out the dough and place them on a baking sheet.

Bake for about 10 minutes or until you see crispy edges and golden-brown tops. And there you have it, perfect chocolate chip cookies to enjoy!

Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet before moving them to a wire rack.

Chocolate chip cookies

These decadent and delicious chocolate chip cookies are soft and chewy and take only 20 minutes to make!

  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp himalayan pink salt
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 375F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. In a bowl whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt – set aside.

  3. In a large mixing bowl cream the butter and sugars together until well incorporated, mix in the vanilla and eggs.

  4. Gradually stir in the flour mixture.

  5. Fold in the chocolate chips until evenly distributed.

  6. Use a cookie scoop to place the cookies on the lined baking sheet.

  7. Bake for 8-10 minutes only until the edges are beginning to turn light brown

    Cool on the baking sheet for 2-3 minutes until moving to a wire rack.

chocolate chip cookies,, cookies

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