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Nobody can refuse a box of girl scout cookies and whether or not you have your favorites, these Copycat Girl Scout Samoas Cookies are something that you are going to want to try. We love copycat cookies where we can create classics and creations that you may not be able to enjoy every day. This delicious cookie recipe is one that you have to try. The buttery sugar cookie is topped with a coconut caramel crunch that is drizzled with milk chocolate. You can’t beat them!

It is so easy to create these homemade samoas cookies and I am sure you are going to make batch after batch once you try them. The coconut cookies are something that the whole family will enjoy and is also a recipe you might want to create with your kids.

Why do we love these Copycat Girl Scout Samoas Cookies?

When I think of a girl scout samoa cookie I am transported right back to my youth. Those delicious cookies are something that will be nostalgic to many of us and they are so easy to make at home. You don’t need a huge long list of ingredients, and the only thing that takes time is giving the cookie dough time to set and allowing the caramel and chocolate to set once you are finished.

Coconut is underrated in cookies, but we think they are a great addition, and using shredded coconut is an easy way to add that distinctive flavor. No longer do you need to wait for your local girl scouts to come knocking at the door, you can start making these tasty cookies at home right now for everyone to enjoy.

Ingredients – What you need for the Copycat Girl Scout Samoas Cookies


Flour is an integral part of most cookie recipes and we like to use all-purpose flour as we think it works great! The flour provides structure to the cookie dough, and for this recipe, you will need 4 cups. Make sure you sift the flour before adding it to your cookie mixture.


You will also find butter is part of a lot of cookie recipes to help bind the ingredients together and to give that golden and wonderful texture we expect from our cookies. For this recipe, you need 2 cups of butter that is softened at room temperature. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe so you can control the flavor.


Because you are using unsalted butter this is where you can control the flavor. You will only need 1 teaspoon.


Sugar will help to give that chewy texture we know and love when it comes to the cookies. You need just 1 cup of it and it will produce incredible chewy cookies that are sweet and delicious.


One large egg is the perfect addition to get the dough’s texture just right. The egg yolk also helps with that chewy texture and golden color of the cookies.

Vanilla extract

You can’t go wrong with the vanilla flavor when it comes to these delicious cookies. You will need 1 tablespoon of vanilla for this cookie recipe.


The milk will help bind all of the ingredients together for this particular recipe. You need 1 tablespoon. Any milk will be fine to use.

Shredded coconut

This is where we get some of the incredible flavors for these cookies and shredded coconut is such a wonderful way to use this wonderful ingredient. For these cookies, you will want to add 4 cups of shredded coconut.

Caramel bits

You can’t get that signature crunchy topping of these caramel delites without using caramel bits and we will need 22oz for this copycat recipe.

Milk Chocolate chips

Chocolate is always a welcome addition to any cookie recipe, and for the chocolate drizzle to be made, you will need 1 cup of chocolate chips.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I store these copycat girl scout samoas cookies?

These cookies can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature but they can also be stored in the refrigerator. Just be mindful that the caramel and chocolate will harden making them a tougher cookie to bite into. You could freeze these cookies and they will last up to three months. Make sure they have time to thaw before you munch on them.

What are samoa cookies?

The base of the samoa cookies is a shortbread buttery sugar cookie that works really well with the caramel and coconut topping. All of the flavors balance out together which makes for a great-tasting cookie. They have long been popular girl scout cookies that you may have enjoyed in the past.

What chocolate can I use for this recipe?

We used milk chocolate for the drizzle but you can use dark chocolate if you prefer a stronger flavor. White chocolate would also work well but that would make these cookies extra sweet.

How to make the Copycat Girl Scout Samoas Cookies

First of all, you will want to gather all of your ingredients together and measure them out. Then preheat the oven to 350F and line the baking sheets with pieces of parchment paper.

Get yourself a large mixing bowl and cream together the butter, sugar, and salt until creamy. You can use a hand mixer for this if you wish. Then add in the 4 cups of flour, 1 cup at a time to ensure everything is combined.

In a separate medium-size bowl whisk together the egg, vanilla, and milk then add to the batter mixing thoroughly. This will create your cookie dough.

Cover the bowl with plastic and chill in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Scoop the dough onto your prepared baking sheets, I made 12 large cookies with this amount of ingredients but you could make smaller ones. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes then cool completely on a wire rack.

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for 30-second intervals stirring each time to ensure the chocolate doesn’t burn, then brush the bottom of each cookie with chocolate and place on a wax paper lined tray. You can then pour the remaining chocolate into a piping bag. 

In a skillet toast the coconut over medium heat for 2-4 minutes until golden brown. If you prefer, you can also toast it in the oven at 325F for 3 minutes.

Melt the caramel bits in the microwave for 60 seconds. Then stir and return for another 30-60 seconds if needed. Get your toasted coconut and then stir it into the caramel.

Press the caramel coconut mixture on top of each cooled cookie, then drizzle with the melted chocolate. Then give the cookies time to set before serving. Enjoy!

Take these Samoa Cookies to the next level

Why not add a little peanut butter to the caramel for that extra sweet and salty flavor? You could make peanut butter patties to go on top of the cookies. Yum!

Another great option would be to add some chocolate chips to the cookie dough if you want that extra hint of chocolate goodness.

How about serving up these cookies to friends and family and creating boxes of cookies? Whether it is girl scout season or not they will be greatly appreciated I am sure.

Copycat Girl Scout Samoas Cookies

  • 2 cups butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 4 cups sweetened shredded coconut
  • 22 oz caramel bits
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 350F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Cream together the butter, sugar, and salt until creamy then add in the 4 cups of flour, 1 cup at a time.

  3. In a separate bowl whisk together the egg, vanilla, and milk then add to the batter mixing thoroughly.

  4. Cover the bowl with plastic and chill in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

  5. Scoop the dough onto lined sheets, I made 12 large cookies but you could make smaller ones. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes, cool completely on a wire rack.

  6. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for 30-second intervals stirring each time, then brush the bottom of each cookie with chocolate and place on a wax paper lined tray – pour the remaining chocolate into a piping bag.

  7. In a skillet toast the coconut over medium heat for 2-4 minutes until golden brown, you could also toast it in the oven at 325F for 3 minutes.

  8. Melt the caramel bits in the microwave for 60 seconds, stir, and return for another 30-60 seconds if needed. Stir in the toasted coconut.

  9. Press the caramel coconut mixture on top of each cooled cookie, then drizzle with the melted chocolate. Allow the cookies to set before serving.

cookies, Copycat cookies, girl guide cookies, girl guide samoas cookies

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