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If I were to tell you that you could make delicious cookies without having to do any baking would you believe it? Well prepare to be surprised as today we have incredible No Bake Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hearts to share with you. Perfect for Valentine’s day or just to show that special someone you love them. Packed with raspberry flavor and topped with delicious melted chocolate these are perfect for any special occasion.

You only need a few simple ingredients and a bit of time to bring this cookie recipe to life. When you are making special treats for Valentine’s day these no-bake heart-shaped cookies are going to be something that you and your loved ones will enjoy. You can serve these after a special meal or enjoy them as a mid-day Valentine’s snack. A delicious crumbly chocolate-covered cookie. We promise they won’t disappoint.

Why do we love these No Bake Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hearts?

We love simplicity, and you can’t get much simpler than a no bake recipe. These no bake chocolate covered raspberry hearts will put a smile on anyone’s face. A delicious dessert or just a sweet snack when you want something chocolatey.

They are really easy to make and there is no long list of ingredients. You probably have everything you need in your pantry or cupboards. You can make these ahead of time and have them ready and waiting to enjoy.

Ingredients – What you need for the No Bake Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hearts 

Raspberry Dough


For this recipe, you need 1/4 cup of butter that is softened at room temperature. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe so you can control the flavor.

Raspberry extract

This is what is going to give this sweet treat that raspberry flavor. You need 2tsp for this batch.

Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is used as a sweetener and is used in recipes when you want to create a smooth texture. Exactly what these no-bake cookies need. You need 2 tbsps of corn syrup for this recipe.

Powdered Sugar

2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar are enough for the cookies and this is what will give it that sweetness.

Chocolate Coating

Semi-sweet chocolate chips

These melt really easily and give a silky smooth finish. You will need 8 oz of these chocolate chips for this batch of cookies.

You will also need 1/4 cup of softened butter or you could use coconut oil instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I store the no-bake chocolate-covered raspberry hearts?

they can be stored at room temperature. Just make sure you add them to an airtight container. You can also store them in the refrigerator if you prefer. If you are using coconut oil with the melted chocolate then you will need to make sure you store them in the refrigerator as coconut oil can melt easily.

Can I use other chocolate?

Absolutely. White chocolate or milk chocolate can work really well. Why not do a couple of different options?

Can you freeze these no-bake raspberry chocolate-covered cookies?

Absolutely you can, Place them on a baking sheet and freeze them. Once frozen then add them to an airtight container or freezer bag for easy storage. They will last around three months.

How to make the No Bake Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hearts

First of all, you will want to gather your ingredients together and measure out the quantities. Beat the butter, corn syrup, and raspberry extract together. Then stir in the powdered sugar until a crumbly dough forms. Add the powdered sugar in stages. One half first, and then the second half. Keep stirring until a cookie dough has formed.

Use your hands to work the dough into a ball. It will feel quite stiff. If you feel like it is too dry to form a ball, add a few drops of water. However, be mindful that you do want a stiff dough and not something that is soft to the touch.

Sprinkle some extra powdered sugar on a countertop, or use a large piece of parchment paper, and roll the dough out to about ¼ inch thickness.

Use a 1-2 inch heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out the cute heart shapes, and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. You can then roll the dough scraps back out, and repeat until all the dough is used up. Place the tray in the refrigerator and let those cute cookies chill for 30 minutes.

Now it’s time for the chocolate. Place the chocolate chips and remaining butter, or coconut oil if using, in a double boiler or microwave-safe bowl. You can gently heat it until the chocolate is melted on the stove. If you are using the microwave heat for 15 seconds at a time and stir in between to make sure the chocolate has melted.

Remove the heart dough cookies from the fridge. Using a fork, dip each heart into the chocolate, shake off excess, and place it back on parchment paper. It can be helpful to use a toothpick to push hearts off the fork.

Decorate with sprinkles, if desired, before the chocolate sets. You will need to chill the no-bake cookies in the refrigerator until the chocolate is set and/or you’re ready to serve.

Take these No Bake Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hearts to the next level

Why not add some Valentine’s sprinkles to these delicious heart shaped cookies? It will really make them look super cute and the perfect Valentine’s day treat.

You could use this recipe for a different shape no bake cookies. Instead of the cute heart, you could do a star shape or bauble for the holiday season. Or number shapes for a special birthday.

Add a little vanilla extract as an added flavor. It works really well with the raspberry.

You could melt some colored candy melts instead. You can get red or pink ones to really help you continue with a Valentine’s theme.

No bake chocolate covered raspberry hearts

Delicious sweet & soft no bake chocolate covered raspberry flavored heart cookies

  • 1-2 inch heart-shaped cookie cutter

Raspberry dough

  • 1/4 cup butter softened
  • 2 tbsp corn syrup
  • 2 tsp raspberry extract
  • 2.5 cups powdered sugar

Chocolate coating

  • 8 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup butter
  1. Beat butter, corn syrup, and raspberry extract together.

  2. Stir in the powdered sugar until a crumbly dough forms, add half the powdered sugar at a time.

  3. Use your hands to work the dough into a ball. It will be stiff, if it’s too dry to form a ball, add a few drops of water, but be careful – you want a very stiff dough, not soft.

  4. Sprinkle powdered sugar on a countertop, or large piece of parchment paper, and roll the dough out to about ¼ inch thickness.

  5. Use 1-2 inch heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut out hearts, and place on a parchment-lined sheet. Roll dough scraps back out, and repeat until all the dough is used up. Place the tray in the refrigerator and let chill for 30 minutes.

  6. Place chocolate chips and remaining butter in a double boiler, and microwave-safe bowl. Gently heat until chocolate is melted, or in the microwave, heat for 15 seconds at a time, checking between each until the chips are melted, stir the butter and chocolate together until mixed well.

  7. Remove the heart dough cookies from the fridge. Using a fork, dip each heart into the chocolate, shake off excess, and place back on parchment paper. It can be helpful to use a toothpick to push hearts off the fork.

  8. Decorate with sprinkles, if desired, before the chocolate sets. Chill in the refrigerator until chocolate is set and/or you’re ready to serve.

You can use coconut oil in the chocolate coating in place of butter if desired. The coconut oil is thinner, which makes coating the hearts a little easier, but you will need to keep them stored in the refrigerator or a very cool place since coconut oil melts easier.

chocolate covered heart cookies, no bake cookie, raspberry cookie, Valentine’s cookies

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